RUNNERS from Liskeard were top of the league for fundraising at Plymouth’s Race 4 Life event.

Twelve members of the community running group Power Runs Cornwall took part on The Hoe – and so far they’ve raised almost £1,500 for Cancer Research UK.

“The group were all taking part for their own personal reasons and in memory of loved ones, those fighting cancer, or those that have survived,” said leader Sandra Haynes. “We were delighted to be announced as the top fundraisers on the day, being awarded a plaque and a medal.

“It was a glorious, warm day and everyone smashed their run dressed in the traditional pink Race 4 Life colours.”

A special mention went out to Debbie Smith for completing her first 10K race, and to Charlotte Roach who completed her first 5K. Mother and daughter Verity Colbert and Georgina were also congratulated for acing the 10K and 5K respectively.

Power Runs Cornwall is a Run Together Group that supports running, jeffing and walking to improve physical, mental and social well being. The group meets at Addington Stores at 7pm on Monday and Wednesday evenings - everyone is welcome and all sessions are free.

For more information email [email protected] or visit the Power Runs Cornwall webpage.