By Mike Allsopp

THIS week my studio guests Tim and Andy, who are both members of Looe Lions, joined me to discuss their involvement in recent aid trips to The Ukraine.

I asked both how they'd become involved in the trips.

Tim, a classic car restorer based in Horningtops, started by saying that visiting Chernobyl had been on his bucket list for some years and that he had started making trips to the Ukraine on a regular basis getting to know the people and the local culture...some of that time he spent in the south western city of Odesa.

When the Russian invasion of The Ukraine first started, in February of 2022, a friend with a small charity in Odesa remarked that they had sent many many letters to ask for help, many of which were ignored and the response from bigger businesses and charities was "sorry we're doing our own thing."

Which at that time meant aid being sent to Kiev rather than other areas.

Tim decided he would help, started a 'gofundme' page and asked for donations of essential goods that just couldn't be found locally or were too expensive to buy, baby milk, nappies etc..."I just jumped in a van and drove over, it has just snowballed from there."

Andy's involvement dates back to April of last year when he and a Looe Lions colleague took their minibus across to Warsaw in Poland as part of the 'Devon and Cornwall sending love to Ukraine' convoy regularly organised by Darren Tait.

Both Tim and Andy were involved in further trips for Darrens group whereafter Tim convinced Andy to travel with him on his next trip into Odesa to give him the opportunity to meet the locals and experience the tragic situation first hand.

Tim went on to say that actually talking to injured soldiers in local hospitals convinced him that their people knowing they have support is just as important as having the aid itself.

Andy continued: "When they were told it was individuals from another country, as opposed to governments, donating the aid they would shake with emotion and gratitude...the tear shedding wasn't one-sided!"

Tim and Andy have managed to forge links with a number of NHS sources here in the UK to acquire an astounding array of quality medical items, some of which Simon Cassidy and myself will be taking across when we take our 'Looe and Liskeard' van across as part of Darren's convoy on February 10.

The pair have also recently acquired an ambulance which they will be driving across with aid in the very near future as a gift to further the prospective 'twinning' with a town in Odesa.

I feel, and have made it very clear to Tim, Andrew and also Darren, that what they do is very much worthy of greater public awareness at a time when the Ukraine situation is no longer headline news and hopefully the local media will encourage that.

The full interview with Tim and Andy is available on our Liskeard Radio Facebook page.

'Looe and Liskeard' Aid Trip to Ukraine

As mentioned, mayor Simon Cassidy and myself will be taking a large van filled with humanitarian and medical aid across to the people of the Ukraine on Saturday, February 10.

It will represent the generosity and love of the people from our two towns.

Whilst we gladly donate our time and efforts freely we do need to raise funding to cover rental, fuel, ferry and basic accommodation costs...we need £1500 and have raised £600 so far.

We ask local individuals, businesses and organisations that can support the journey to help by donating via our 'Just Giving' link.