Residents of Liskeard pulled out all the stops in the run up to Christmas for the Lights Up event last weekend.

There was singing, dancing, music, festive food, history, fireworks, and lanterns to name a few...

Cllr Simon Cassidy, town mayor, had the honour this year of giving a speech before the big finale.

During his speech he said: “I want to thank all the people who’ve made today such a success, I want to explain to you what will happen once the Christmas tree lights are switched on and I want to introduce the people who will be switching on the lights.

“We’ve just seen an amazing masquerade lantern parade which is a wonderful expression of Liskeard and surrounding villages’ creativity and community. I’d like to thank every single person who made a lantern or costume and has paraded with it, along with the teachers, parents, community group leaders and artists who have made it possible. I’d also like to thank the musicians and dancers who have taken part in the parade and will be entertaining us later. Most of all I’d like to thank Cllr Rachel Brooks and Sally Hawken and her team at Liskerrett who have had the mammoth task of organising the whole parade.

“I’d like to wish them, and all of you, the happiest Christmas possible. It’s by coming together as a community, like this, that we can support each other, which for me is what the Christmas spirit is all about.”