As someone who was at the meeting representing one of the clubs that meet in the Liskerrett Centre I would like to offer my account of proceedings at the council meeting referred to by Kerenza Moore in the article ‘Threatening remarks bring halt to council meeting’.

I know that Cornwall Council is responsible for the decision to close the access from the Old Market Carpark to Varley Lane and not the Liskeard Council. It was mine and others attending the meeting intention to put our case and concerns over its closure and to ask for support from the Liskeard Council to take up our concerns and take this to Cornwall Council. I believe that this was achieved, and hopefully what was discussed and passed will be taken forward to the Cornwall Council.

After several independent members of the public commented as invited by the council, the council then moved to discuss the problems caused by this closure. One councilor caused some consternation by their comments and it did evoke some gasps of disbelief. However, the meeting continued unabated. After further discussion a vote was taken and passed on what I thought was a positive way forward. At this point the meeting was adjourned to allow those having no further interest in the meeting to leave. I believe at this point a person made a derogatory and threatening comment to one of the councilors. I cannot comment on this as I didn’t hear it myself.

As members of the public where leaving the Public Hall an irate (possibly justifiably) councilor appeared shouting at the top of his voice at first addressing himself to all present. It eventually was addressed to an individual. So, the only shouting I heard during or after the meeting was by the councilor outside by the entrance to the public hall. I actually asked him after several minutes to calm down as he was now coming over as very threatening himself. I don’t recollect that the meeting was brought to a halt as stated in the article but as I said adjourned to allow members of the public to leave.

Again no one would condone the threatening comments made and that action has cast a rather dark light on the meeting. Everyone has the right to make up their own mind on any matter. So, I would thank the Liskeard Council for discussing this matter and coming to a positive conclusion. Whether Cornwall Council will listen and act remains to be seen.

Robert Wade

Via email