Sheryll signing off

It has been the greatest honour of my life to have represented my home constituency of South East Cornwall in the mother of Parliaments for the last 14 years.

I am eternally grateful to the people of South East Cornwall for electing me on four successful occasions. Sadly, a fifth success was out of reach. I would like to thank all those who helped with the campaign and for all the good wishes people have sent since the election.

One phone call I received was from Sir Robert Hicks who served this constituency as its MP for 27 years. He gave many kind words but also reminded me that I now take the bronze medal for my length of service to the constituency in the last 100 years behind Sir Robert who served so successfully for 27 years and Douglas Marshall (who was the first MP that I remember) who served for 19 years. All three of us sitting in Parliament as proud Conservatives. I am also proud to have received almost 60 per cent of the vote in my last successful election and I want to thank the people of South East Cornwall for their support during my time as their MP.

I have no regrets. I know that my staff have also served this constituency selflessly and I want to put on record my thanks to them all for being my face in the Constituency whilst I have been in Westminster. Together we may not have been able to solve every issue brought to our door but we know that we have always tried our best.

Speaking to people on the doorsteps over the past 18 months, I know that people felt very badly let down by the Conservative Party and I have to say that we did make some mistakes. I also know that the constant bickering in public has certainly not covered the Parliamentary Party in glory.

Now it is time for me to pass the mantle to a new MP of a different political persuasion and I am sure that she will try her best and I wish her well. I really hope that she will continue to work to deliver the abolition of the Tamar Toll Tax, complete the A38 safety package, secure sole access to the 6-12 mile limit for UK fishermen during the review of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement with the European Union which is due to take place in 2025, secure a permanent solution to market sales for our fishermen at the fish market in Plymouth, ensure she stands up for our farming community and shows support for the many businesses, large and small which are scattered throughout this beautiful constituency, fight to secure a solution to the Looe flooding, as well as many other matters that will come to her door.

I also hope that she will remember the importance of the City of Plymouth just across the Tamar. The employment provided by Devonport Dockyard and Naval base, Derriford Hospital which is the local District General Hospital for so many of us and the only Royal Navy Initial Sea Training Establishment at HMS Raleigh.

I will always be proud of the fact that I put my Constituency first and never sought Ministerial Office at the expense of representing those people who elected me.

Finally, I want to pay tribute to the hardworking Conservative Cornwall Councillors who represent so many of us at County Hall, my fantastic South East Cornwall Conservative Association who have supported me throughout my time as the MP and my wonderful children who call South East Cornwall their home.

So as Sheryll Murray signs off, I pay one final tribute to my husband, Bob Davidson, the most wonderful man in the world who I was lucky enough to marry in the Palace of Westminster on 30 March 2019. I kept my previous married name for professional purposes as the MP but now that has ended Sheryll Davidson is signing in.

Sheryll Murray

Former MP for South East Cornwall

Congratulations on a historic achievement

Congratulations to Anna Gelderd on the historic achievement of becoming the new Labour MP for South East Cornwall.

Five years ago, I told our Conservative MP that I would hold her to account for the promises she made on her way to winning the 2019 General Election. She had promised to reduce deaths and injuries on the A38, deliver affordable housing and “level-up” Cornwall.

She promised that Brexit would mean more fish for our fishing fleet, less red-tape for business, and that Cornwall wouldn’t lose a penny of development funding.

She promised that farmers would keep access to their EU markets and wouldn’t be undercut by imported food produced to lower standards.

Every single one of these promises have been broken, and the voters have rightly rejected her.

But rather than apologising for the harm she has caused, her final crass words to the media on Friday morning were: “I’ve had a ball”.

Labour’s Anna Gelderd promised change, and now South East Cornwall has lent their votes to her.

Our new MP is thoughtful, polite and kind. But what we really need is an MP who will be our voice in Westminster, not just the Labour Party’s voice in Cornwall.

Anna has promised to “get our fair share” from the new Labour Government.

She says she has a plan to reduce the Tamar Tolls for locals, and then to remove them altogether. She says she knows all the right doors to knock on in Westminster, and she promised she’d ask the Transport Secretary for a meeting to discuss the Tamar Tolls and the A38 on day one. She has promised to work collaboratively across party lines, so I look forward to an invitation to that meeting!

Keir Starmer now has the power to do whatever he wants.

Will he introduce Proportional Representation, which would end the need for tactical voting and prevent the Conservatives from ever getting a majority again?

Or will he prioritise preserving his own power?

Will Labour change the underfunding of Cornwall, or will it just be the same austerity with a different face?

If Anna stands up for us, I’ll support her every step of the way. But if she lets us down, I’ll be on her case, holding her to account on behalf of our community.

The first test will come at next week’s Council meeting. I am bringing a motion to Cornwall Council calling for the Council Leader to work with all six new MPs to ask the Government to increase funding in the areas where Cornwall currently receives less than the national average. Since 2010, Labour Councillors have complained about austerity and called for the Government to increase funding for Cornwall. Will they change their tune now that their party holds the purse-strings?

You can keep up the pressure on Labour to stand up for Cornwall by signing our petition at

Colin Martin

Cornwall Councillor for Lostwithiel and Lanreath and leader of the Liberal Democrat Group

An excellent representative

Would you please tell the female MP for the fishing industry in Cornwall how sorry I am she has lost her seat in the Election, and wish her all the best for her future.

I think she was an excellent representative and am sorry she is now unable to continue her good work.

A Harris


Thank you for generous donations

On behalf of the Calstock Parish Christian Aid Committee, I would like to thank all those people who most generously gave financial contributions to the Christian Aid Week Appeal 2024. As a result, a cheque for £2475.00 has been forwarded to their headquarters.

Prof Robert Sutton

Honorary treasurer, Calstock Parish Christian Aid Committee