Love Labour

Oh how I love the Labour Party. On election day my garden was as dry as an old boot and I had eight empty rainwater butts. Then, on the first day with a Labour government, we had torrents of rain, my runner beans grew a couple of inches and all my water butts filled up. 

Now all I’m waiting for is an increase in old age pension and a cheaper television license. 

Ray Roberts, 


The kind Saltash dog

Just wanted to drop a few words about the above by Barry Brooking.  I am so glad you printed it. 

I think that many people underestimate the intelligence and ability of animals to care for and be kind to each other and to us.  It warmed the cockles of my heart to read it!

Sue Palmer


Thank you showgoers

Thank you so much to everyone involved with Liskeard Show, and to all those who attended our annual event. We have an amazing group of volunteers who work very hard to ensure everything runs smoothly on the day. Everyones help and support is very much appreciated, and we hope you all had an enjoyable day. Once again, we were extremely lucky with the weather.

Colin Dymond

Chairman of Liskeard District Agricultural Association

Cornish in the Commons

Over 400 years ago, Cornwall and the Cornish were shattered by the Dissolution of the Monasteries. - or the Tudor Brexit as I like to call it, when we first split from Europe.

The monasteries had provided the bedrock of society.  They were the lawyers, the bankers, the social services, the educators, the estate agents, planning departments and stability. With a stroke of a pen they had gone.  Poverty followed austerity, leaving many Cornishmen without a plot to plant in. The new religion, forced upon the churches, used the new English  Prayerbook.  Cornishmen rebelled.  

Lives and livelihoods were lost. The right to speak Cornish had gone and the Cornish Catholics were subdued.

I imagined that the sunset had a special glow the other night.  I imagined that the Kempes and Arundella, the Courtneys and Killigrews were lighting up the Cornish sky with a hearty Trelawney shout. Our new MPs were speaking Cornish again in the House of Commons!

Never say Labour in vain!

Jenny Wallis


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