The Cornish Times received an email from Jackie Fowler from Inverness which said:

"I love Devon and Cornwall, I honeymooned with husband number one there. Number two went there to get married as my mother-in-law then lived at Boyton Mill. 

"I was unfortunately widowed when pregnant with number four! But every year at springtime I would put on their PJ’s, off to Little Chef just outside Inverness for dinner, car sick pills and drive one week after another via various scrapyards to fix it while the kids played.

"I have friends, family to visit but I love your little land with banks of primroses, so I would love it if I could get recommended places to drive to and when to visit to see the wild primroses, especially the lanes with banks as I’m disabled and can’t do ups and downs to take a good look! Incidentally it’s brilliant as my son has given me a lovely little hybrid car and I get on great with it round here.

"When I was 70 I walked round the coast of the UK, 3,500 miles, I will never forget the extra mile walk to the Minack theatre to look down and see basking sharks."