Your page four article – Dog poo detective praised by local residents for her actions – brought back memories of a Menheniot resident’s action some years ago.

I was working on a bungalow and was chatting to the owner whilst eating my lunch, when a dog walker passed by on the road. No pleasantries were exchanged and then the resident, whom I will call Les, told me why the two never spoke.

He told me that this dog walker, who lived up around the corner, always let his pet foul the pavement beside front gate.

Les was fed up with this so one day he used a garden shovel to pick up this dog poo and walked up the offenders front door and rang the bell

When the door was opened Les threw the offending poo into the man’s carpeted hallway. “That’s yours” he said and from that day on the pavement outside Les’ remained clean.

 Ray Roberts 
