HMS Raleigh are looking for people who previously served at the establishment who fancy a trip down memory lane, while also encouraging a new generation of sailors.

A new initiative is being introduced by the Royal Navy at the Torpoint base this autumn.

Once a term, the base is going to open its gates for a small number of former personnel to revisit old haunts, as well as watch a group of recruits pass out of basic training on Raleigh’s sprawling parade ground at the beginning of their naval careers.

Given that the base has been around since World War II and has been the premier RN establishment for turning civilians into junior ratings since the mid-1970s there will have been hundreds of thousands of men and women have passed through Raleigh before starting their professional training as chefs, seamen, engineers, aircraft handlers, medics, divers and more.

Raleigh’s commanding officer Cpt Jane Roe is keen to open up access to the site for veterans eager for a nostalgia trip, but also to show them how training has evolved to meet the expectations of young men and women of 2023 and the fleet they serve.

Due to pressures of time and the demands on personnel on pass-out day, there will not be the chance for former recruits to visit old blocks, dine in the senior rates’ mess or drop in on the bar, or visit some of the more distant training facilities like Jupiter Point, the fire school or Pier Cellars.

But they will get to watch a training video to show how the Royal Navy of 2023 turns civilians into sailors, watch successful recruits receive their epaulettes, and tour a mess-deck which is home to trainees for 10 weeks and then watch the passing-out parade.

The first opportunity to ‘return to Raleigh’ will be on Friday, October 6.

The initiative is planned for once a term initially and is only available to individual visitors, not groups.

Space will be limited to 15 veterans, plus one friend/carer, with allocations made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Anyone interested, should contact [email protected] with full name and post nominals, date of birth, date of entry into the RN at HMS Raleigh and final rate/rank held.

They should also provide any guest’s full name and date of birth, vehicle make, colour, registration and if there are any mobility issues.