THE district manager for Slimming World in Cornwall and South Devon, Margaret Roberts, has paid tribute to Margaret Miles-Bramwell OBE, the founder of the weight loss organisation, who died on Sunday, February 2.
Margaret Roberts, who has been a member since 2010 and a manager since 2012, says Margaret’s mission was to change lives across the UK and Ireland, including in the local area.

Margaret said: “We have supported literally thousands of members to reach the size and weight they want to be. More than that though, losing weight has helped those members achieve their dreams — from having the confidence to get the career of their dreams and having much longed-for children, to transforming their health so they could live longer, happier lives. I’ve seen all of these things in our groups and none of them would have been possible if Margaret hadn’t started the very first Slimming World group in 1969.”
Margaret Miles-Bramwell founded Slimming World 56 years ago with a determination to help people shed the burden of excess weight without shame or guilt. Her own experiences of trying to lose weight left her with the passionate belief that people living with obesity and being overweight needed to be treated as adults, and with respect and compassion. Those founding principles remain at the core of the organisation today.
Margaret Roberts says she’s been overwhelmed by the number of members who’ve been personally affected by Margaret’s death because of the huge impact they feel she and Slimming World have had on their own and their families’ lives.
She said: “Margaret’s legacy is absolutely phenomenal. The ripple effect of what she created in Slimming World has changed so many people’s lives, and will continue to do so for many more years to come.

“Many of our members have wanted to pay their respects to Margaret and tell their personal stories of the difference she made to them, so in our groups, we’ve been capturing members’ personal condolences, memories and messages of love and support to Margaret’s family, which will be bound into a beautiful book to honour her.”
Margaret Roberts says she personally will never forget the impact Margaret had on her life: “I had struggled with my weight all my life and when I found Slimming World my only regret was that I hadn’t found the courage to join 20 years earlier.
“I have always been in awe of everything that Margaret achieved. Literally millions of people are living healthier, happier lives because of her understanding of the needs of slimmers.
“If anyone is reading this feels uncomfortable with their weight, whether it be 7lb or seven stone, or more, have the courage to join your local group. I promise you won’t regret it.”
Margaret Miles-Bramwell OBE died on February 2 surrounded by her family. She is survived by her loving children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Margaret’s funeral was held on Monday, March 10, at Derby Cathedral.
For further information contact Margaret Roberts on 07825 206877 or [email protected], or visit