Devon and Cornwall Police have been demonstrating some of the equipment they use to help aid their work.
Devon and Cornwall Police have produced a video displaying some of the equipment they use to help carry out there work. The video shows one of the drones used by the force flying as part of a training exercise.
Devon and Cornwall Police have actually been using drones since 2015. Due to this innovation, the team were finalists in the World Class Policing Awards in 2019.
But why do our police need drones?
A spokesperson from Devon and Cornwall Police said: “Drones support our policing activity; the equipment is fitted with high resolution cameras and thermal capabilities to help us target criminals and help keep you safe.
“We use drones in a variety of Policing contexts. The technology allows us to cover larger areas with less officers, to obtain images and information from different angles and to get views of areas where it would be dangerous to send a person. Some examples include: capturing evidential images at crimes scenes and scenes of road traffic collisions; searching for missing people and offenders; supporting incidents where people are in dangerous positions or in hazardous terrain, and, supporting partner agencies such as the fire brigade.
“In 2021 drones supported 553 incidents or investigations within Dorset, Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (603 in 2020). In June 22 drones supported 78 individual incidents/investigations in one month alone.”

Police drone pilots receive training and accreditation which is regulated by the Civil Aviation Authority. Pilots then receive further emergency service specific training provided by internal instructors.
Unlike members of the public, the police do have authorisation to fly in congested areas and over people/ premises, provided that other conditions and minimum separation distances are met.
If anyone is interested in using a drone, rules should be read carefully prior to taking to the air. These rules can be found here.