Coosebean, Truro
Koos – woodland, Byghan – little
what3words - ///thing.harp.sweat
Coosebean yw gwig a wrowedh yn Nans Kenwyn, yn Pluw Druru ogas dhe worsav tren Truro. Es yw treyla styr y hanow dhe Sowsnek. Heb mar, yth yw ‘Koos Byghan’, a styr ‘Little Wood’, ha gwir yw bos lies gwedhen yn y gerghyn.
Coosebean is a hamlet which lies in the Kenwyn Valley, in Truro Parish close to Truro railway station. It is easy to translate its name into English. Doubtless, it is ‘Koos Byghan’ which means ‘Little Wood’, and it is true that there are many trees in its vicinity.
Divers trolerghow a res dhyworth an wig dhe bub tu, ow komprehendya hyns dhe Drevbark Malabar ha’n A390. Mes neppyth arbennik yn ogas yma: Lergh an Spyrysyon. A-hys an lergh ma, yn-mysk ha stegys dhe’n gwydh, y hyllir bos kevys omma hag ena chiow byghan rag an ‘dus vyghan’. Yma dhe’n chiow byghan ma fenestri, chymblys ha darasow, ha pur deg yns ha gerys-da gans fleghes a wra dos omma gans aga herens.
A number of footpaths run from the hamlet in every direction, including a trail to Malabar Estate and the A390. But there is something special nearby: The Fairy Trail. Along this trail, amongst and fixed to the trees, here and there one can find little houses for the ‘little people’. These little houses have windows, chimneys and doors and they are very pretty and popular with children who come here with their parents.
An Rosweyth is a community organisation which exists to promote the use of the Cornish language. For further information, visit