A funky summer solstice display has appeared outside of a property in Landulph.
The display, which can be seen outside of Stockadon Barns, shows two people dressed up in jazzy clothes who appear to have been enjoying the longest day of the year with a bottle of Prosecco.
This year's summer solstice took place on June 21 making the first official day of summer.
Kathryn Deakin makes these displays alongside her four neighbours who live in the barns.
"Our first display was for remembrance day, with lots of poppies and a lone soldier. This received such lovely feedback from the community we decided we would follow up with displays for memorable dates, we have so far done valentines, Christmas, Halloween, grand national, and easter, the next one is for Wimbledon and will be put up on Sunday, July 2 and is looking to be a fun display.
"All the local people in Landulph seem to enjoy them and they are always commenting on how they make them smile. One even stopped and gave us some flowers as a thank you for brightening her day." Kathryn explained.
Take a look at some previous displays:

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The Halloween display