WELL over 100 local people turned out to attend a special service in Liskeard to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Organised by the town’s Royal British Legion, the Drum Head ceremony on The Parade was led by RBL chaplains Theresa Conway and Kevin Grant, with musical accompaniment from Liskeard Silver Band.

Members of local branches of the RBL and Royal Naval Association were joined at the event by local MP Sheryll Murray.

Ahead of the D-Day commemorations, volunteers from Liskeard in Bloom had spent time to tidy up and replant the troughs and boxes on The Parade, with red geraniums planted around The Fountain monument.

Liskeard town mayor Christina Whitty said: “A special thanks must go to RBL chairman Christine Henwood and secretary Gwyneth McLoughlin for organising the service.

“Four commemorative wreaths were laid: one on behalf of the town council, the others on behalf of the RBL, RNA and QARNNS (Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service).”