A FUNDRAISER has been launched in aid of a Bodmin woman who was left disabled after contracting the coronavirus.
Mandy Hall was hospitalised with the disease in December 2020, spending 66 days on a ventilator fighting for her life after experiencing multi organ failure and unable to come home for two years while a package of care was secured.
As a result of the impact on her body, Ms Hall sustained severe nerve damage and has been left unable to do anything for herself, requiring double handed care each day to be moved, washed, dressed and taken out, and losing nine stone of body weight.
However, undetermined to let her experience overshadow the rest of her life, her family have been paying for hydrotherapy and physiotherapy sessions at the Merlin Centre with the aim of being able to walk and enjoy life again.
Now, in order to continue her recovery, the family have launched a fundraiser seeking contributions towards oxygen therapy, which the team at the Merlin Centre believe will significantly improve Ms Hall’s eye sight and rehabilitation.
It is hoped that Ms Hall will, with continued therapy with the team at the Merlin Centre be one day able to one day regain her mobility to enable her to live a normal life again.
Lauren Hall, her daughter said: “My mum longs to be able to do things like join my dad properly on the weekly food shop again, plan trips to her favourite places again like Poland, maybe even be able to work again, and a goal to be able to stand to renew her vows with my dad. It’s still a long a journey ahead that we have as a family but we are eternally grateful that she is still here to be part of it.”
The fundraiser can be found at https://www.gofundme.com/f/my-continuing-fight-from-covid19-4-years-on