CAT owners are being given their final warning as the new microchipping law comes into place next week, which could see owners facing a £500 fine if they don't comply.

However, farm cats are exempt.

Pooch & Mutt's resident vet Dr Linda Simon offers some advice and clarity to cat owners on what microchipping is, where to go to get it done, how much it will cost and if it will hurt/if there are any risks: “Microchipping means inserting a small chip under the skin, usually between the shoulder blades. It's about the size of a grain of rice. It contains a unique number, and when we scan it, the number shows up on our microchip reader. This number can be looked up in a database, so the cat's owner can be found. Many owners think a microchip allows for their cat to be tracked and located but this isn't the case.

“As well as microchipping to avoid getting fined, you should microchip to ensure your cat can be easily returned to you if they ever go missing or get stolen.

“Sadly, many un-chipped cats go missing every year and are never reunited with their original owners due to a lack of microchip.”