A LOW loader has removed three boats from Saltash Waterside.

Concerns were raised about the boats after fuel was spotted leaking into the river. 

A spokesperson for Cornwall Council said: “Due to environmental concerns, Cornwall Council has removed several abandoned boats that were at risk of sinking from the Waterside in Saltash.

“The boats will be disposed of by the contractor. Where possible, parts will be recovered and recycled. 

“Since 2022 over 10 boats have been removed from site at a cost of around £15,000.

“Cornwall Council will seek to recover the cost of removal from the boat owners where possible.”

The removal of the boats has been welcomed by local users of the area including youth music project Livewire. 

Youth work coordinator Andy Rance said: “Saltash Waterside is undoubtedly one of the jewels in Saltash’s crown and seeing the state of these boats over the past months has been awful for the community, and for the environment. We are very grateful to have some of the mess removed.”

Saltash mayor Cllr Julia Peggs added: “We welcome this action by Cornwall Council, which is a result of the partnership working with Cornwall Council's maritime team, and clearly is beneficial for the residents of Saltash.”