POP music and classical music will both feature in a concert entitled Autumn Serenade being given in St Austell on Saturday, September 28, at 7.30pm.

Restormel Concert Band, founded in 1979 and based in St Austell and, Canoryon Lowen, a mixed choir formed in 2003 and from St Neot, will be performing at Holy Trinity Church in the town centre.

Band musical director David Hendry said: “The evening promises contrasting music ranging from Elton John’s Candle in the Wind, Cohen’s Hallelujah, Busby’s Underneath the Stars, an amazing solo from our principal trombonist, My Way, Sinead O’Connor’s In this Heart, some amazing choral pieces from Ukraine and Africa, and a symphonic wind band rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody.

“There is literally something for everyone. We are very lucky to be performing in St Austell Parish Church, the acoustics and surroundings are amazing.

Canoryon Lowen will be singing at the concert in St Austell.
Canoryon Lowen will be singing at the concert in St Austell. (Picture: Submitted)

“The musical and choral performances are something not to be missed. Both choir and band are community-based not-for-profit organisations and rely upon public support to keep going. So set Strictly to record and come and enjoy some amazing music.”

Tickets (adults £7 and under 16s and pensioners £5) will be available at the door and will include a buffet supper at the end of the concert.