USING puppets, comedy, slapstick, live music and lots of amazing natural history facts, Squashbox Theatre will uncover the mysteries of the animal kingdom at Sterts Arts & Environment Centre, Liskeard on Tuesday, August 27.

Welcome to the Curious Creatures wildlife park, established by Jeremiah Johnson: world-renowned explorer, zoologist and animal collector. Nobody knows more about animals than him.

Unfortunately, Jeremiah is currently lost somewhere in the jungles of Africa, so he has handed the running of the park over to his inexperienced nephew Craig.

Expect to meet curious creatures of all shapes and sizes: from performing fleas, skateboarding snails and gymnastic gerbils to irritable alligators, over-excited elephants, and a very intelligent orang-utan.

Learn about how animals evolved, how their amazing adaptations help them survive in the wild, and how animals can help us learn more about ourselves.

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