A TRIO are facing a day at court after being accused of defrauding customers by carrying out sub-standard work and refusing to refund customers.
Sixty-one-year-old Andrew Foster, of St Kew Highway, had his case sent to be heard at Truro Crown Court after he pleaded not guilty to ‘knowingly or recklessly engaging in a commercial practice which contravenes the requirements of professional diligence’.
It is alleged that during his role as contracts and health and safety manager for Unique Property Management, between October 2022 and June 2024, he failed to perform services with a ‘level of professional diligence commensurate with his trade, leading to it being said that it materially distorted, or was likely to materially distort, the economic behaviour of the average consumer’.
His hearing comes alongside Evette Henson, 39, the director of UPM (Unique Property Management Ltd), a company with a correspondence address in St Kew Highway which was dissolved in June 2024 and Ross Henson, 38, both of which are presently living in Nottingham.
Ms Henson is charged on allegations that between October 2022 and June 2024, was knowingly a party to the ‘carrying on with a business with the intention of defrauding creditors by failing to carry out agreed works and return money paid for such works, failing to carry out work with reasonable skill and care in contravention of the requirements of professional diligence and to rectify sub-standard work.
Mr Henson is charged with further offences including ‘intending to defraud creditors by failing to carry out agreed works and return money paid for such works’.
Mr Foster’s charges are contrary to regulations 8 and 13 of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, while Ms and Mr Henson are both contrary to section nine of the Fraud Act 2006.
The cases are set to be heard at Truro Crown Court on March 28.