PAINTINGS by a Cornwall artist are featuring in an exhibition marking the 100th anniversary of the disappearance on Everest of heroic mountaineer George Mallory.

Artist Tony Foster, who has lived in Tywardreath for the past 50 years, is known for his works from wild places.

He is thought to be the only person to have painted all three of Everest’s formidable faces on site.

Now some of his Everest paintings are forming part of the “George Mallory – Magdalene to the Mountain” exhibition, which is running at Cambridge University’s Magdalene College, where the mountaineer had been a student, until near the end of September.

The paintings, mainly owned by private collectors in the USA, are being lent to the college by the Foster Museum in Palo Alto, California.

The exhibition also includes Mallory’s letters, photographs and personal effects which were left to the college.

Tony said: “I am honoured to have been invited to exhibit my Everest paintings in an event which will be of great interest to the world climbing community.”

Tony has spent the past 40 years painting around the world. Apart from Everest, he has painted in the Grand Canyon, the Atacama Desert and the Arctic - and underwater in the Maldives.