
Liskeard Flower Club

The club enjoyed an outing to Lamerton Mill, St Keynes last Thursday and this was followed by very nice refreshments. It was lovely to see so members and friends attending.

A spokesperson said: “We are a very friendly club and always welcome old and new members, so come along and enjoy our demonstrations with a cup of tea/coffee and refreshments. We greatly look forward to seeing you.”

The next meeting is on Thursday, July 4, starting at 2.30pm. This is a practise afternoon where we can either make your own “Summer Meadow Design” or just come along for a chat and refreshments.

Further details from Brenda Bolton on 07714 684344 or the club website

Club Facebook: Liskeard & District Flower Arrangement Society.

Walking Football

The local Walking Football group meet at Liskeard Leisure Centre on Thursdays at 10am and are looking for new members.

Keith Brewer said: “I have been involved with the Walking Football sessions at Liskeard Leisure Centre for almost 12 months. I have found that I have become much fitter and feel so much better for the experience. The Cornwall Walking Football community are looking to run an over 70's competition over the Winter period.

“There are five players at the Liskeard session, (10am Thursdays), that are willing to participate. We really need a few more to form a team, especially we would like a Goalkeeper that would be willing to get his gloves out of the drawer.

“I hope that this will spur some of you to come along and see us on Thursday.”

St Cleer

St Cleer Church

Everyone is welcome to come to a Garden Party on Saturday, July 6, at The Granary, Lestitha Farm, Liskeard, PL14 6RW between 2.30pm and 5pm.

Cream teas, tombola, raffle, stalls. Plenty of parking. All proceeds in aid of St Cleer Church. For further information phone 01579 321470.


Women’s Institute

The June meeting took the form of Sitting and Standing exercises with Lois Taylor. Who would have thought doing a few exercises could be so much fun. Lively music was played which meant no sitting still, but we could sit or stand as we wished to do the exercises. The session finished by relaxing to some Tai chi type of exercises and music. Lots of laughter and a great fun evening. Thanks were expressed to Louis by Vi Gold.

Birthday girls this month are: Olive Davis, Ann Houlston, Kay Price and Alison Willis. Cards and posies were presented to them.

Competition winners: Flower of the month,1st Jo Hodkinson, 2nd Verna Dawe, 3rd Jean Hoare. Competition for a healthy recipe, 1st Cherry Woodhouse, 2nd Trish Thomas, 3rd Jean Hoare.

Next meeting: July 10, 7.15pm at Millennium House, when Leslie Bruskill will be playing her ukulele.

Competitions if you wish to enter, are a poem including the word ukulele and the usual flower of the month.

Why not come along as a visitor, and you might wish to join in the future. You will be made very welcome.


Dobwalls United Church

Morning service will be on Sunday, June 30, at 9.30am.

Knit & Knatter is on Thursday, July 4, at 2pm.



Bealbury chapel will be holding a mini rally on Saturday, July 6, from 2pm to 5pm.

Tractors motorcycles old cars etcetera. Bring and buy stall and refreshments will be served throughout the afternoon. There will also be a display in the chapel of toys of various ages. Come along and support this event as all proceeds will be for Marie Curie. Everyone welcome.

St Pinnock

Connon Methodist Church

The Summer Fayre will be on Saturday, June 29, from 2pm to 5pm various stalls, BBQ etcetera St Pinnock Band Quintet will be playing during the afternoon. All proceeds will be for Shelter Box.

On Sunday, June 30, the service with Robert and Marian Saunders at 10am.

Chair Movement and Mindfulness is on Monday, July 1, at 11.30am with shared lunch.

St Ive

Parish church

Sunday, June 30, the United Morning Service to be held at St Ive Parish Church , starting at 11.15am. All are welcome.


St Melor’s Church

There will be morning prayer at 10am on Monday and Wednesday in St Melor’s Church.

Evensong will be held on Sunday, June 30, at 6.30pm.

St Paul’s Church

An All Age Joint Cluster Service will be held in St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross, at 10am.

Women’s Institute

Member Maxine Browne reports at the May meeting members were pleased to welcome an old friend, Dale Wood who needs no introduction to regular readers of the parish magazine, The Link. His enthusiasm for bees is catching, who knew there were so many varieties, mostly solitary bees. Dale explained the structure/architecture of bee hives, both those looked after by beekeepers and those set up by bees themselves. He shared the number and functions of their eyes, and warned everyone to be on the look for Asian hornets which are so destructive.

The competition on this occasion was a handcrafted bee, which was won jointly by Marion Turner and Sue Morton. Viv Trill and Muriel Browne shared the honours for this month’s posy.

Apart from a couple more meals out, the next formal meeting will take place on Wednesday 10th August when there will be a welcome return from Mick Harrison, who will be speaking about cyber security. This will be an open meeting so guests are most welcome for a fee of £5.

For more information contact president Kim on [email protected]

1st Linkinhorne Scouts

The Beavers have talked about their holiday trips and events, played games in the Jubilee Field at Upton Cross, learnt to identify trees and leaves, also learnt the correct twigs and sticks for fire lighting.

A number of the older groups endured a 24 hour challenge in the woods which entailed building bivvies for the night whilst keeping their fires alight to cook their food!! After a chilly night, everyone survived the experience so well done to them all!!

Rilla Mill Village Hall

The next committee meeting of Rilla Mill Village Hall will now be held on Wednesday, June 26, at 7pm.

The next fundraising event will be the popular family bingo evening on Saturday, June 29, 6.30pm for 7pm start. This is a cash only event and there will be a raffle to raise even more funds for the upkeep of the hall and Parson’s Meadow.


St Andrew’s Church

Waves of applause washed around St Andrew’s Church from an audience delighted with Plymouth Philharmonic Choir’s sea-themed programme of music, performed for their summer concert.

Elinor Chapman sung the demanding soprano solo in Carter’s Horizons which sets to music seven sea poems including works by Anne Brontë and Rudyard Kipling. Crossing the Bar, which may have been written by Tennyson while anchored off Salcombe, was the highlight, with the choir communicating the beauty and emotionally charged meaning of every phrase.

Singers from Plymouth Philharmonic Choir and the Fletewood School Choir. (Picture: Howard Perks)
Singers from Plymouth Philharmonic Choir and the Fletewood School Choir. (Picture: Howard Perks) (Howard Perks)

Baritone soloist Mark Boocock led the charge in Stanford’s Songs of the Sea telling stories of the legend of Sir Francis Drake and recounting an engagement with the French and Spanish fleet at Trafalgar. The work provided an opportunity for the choir to showcase a range of styles, the melancholy of leaving home and the longing to return to loved ones being palpable, to letting their hair down as they sailed the seas from Westward Ho! to Trinidad. The wonderful singing was anchored in the fact that Director of Music, Christopher Fletcher, had again worked his magic with the choir to deliver the perfect balance of singing from the heart, but with attention to detail on dynamics and diction.

The warmest applause was given to the Fletewood School choir who were a tremendous credit to their headteacher and conductor Mrs Rachel Gray. The children had great fun performing a selection of sea shanties putting a smile on everyone’s face to words such as ‘a dish of rotten fish wouldn’t do us any harm’ in Roll the Old Chariot Along. The two choirs combined to sing John Rutter’s anthem Look at the World which perfectly rounded off a joyful afternoon of music.

A bucket collection raised £280.64 for the RNLI and the choir would like to thank everyone concerned for their generosity.

Rehearsals for the next concert start on Thursday 5 September at the Meade King Hall, Plymouth College. If you are interested in joining the choir please contact the Membership Secretary, Pat Brodie (01752 330337 [email protected]). Details about the choir’s next event, a Singing Day on Karl Jenkins’ The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace on Saturday, October 12, are available on the choir’s Facebook page and at