
Toddle In

‭Callington‬‭ Toddle‬‭ In‬‭ would‬‭ like‬‭ to‬‭ thank‬‭ everyone‬‭ who‬‭ supported‬‭ their‬‭ fund‬‭ raising‬‭ for‬‭ Penhaligons‬ Friends‬‭ at‬‭ Callington‬‭ Honey‬‭ Fair.‬‭ Thanks‬‭ to‬‭ those‬‭ who‬‭ donated‬‭ children’s‬‭ books‬‭ and‬‭ toys‬‭ and‬‭ also‬ everyone‬‭ who‬‭ came‬‭ to‬‭ buy‬‭ on‬‭ the‬‭ day.‬‭ We‬‭ raised‬‭ £91.10‬‭ for‬‭ the‬‭ charity‬‭ which‬‭ supports‬‭ bereaved‬ children,‬‭ young‬‭ people‬‭ and‬‭ their‬‭ families‬‭ in‬‭ Cornwall.‬

Callington and St Ive Wesley Guild

The new session of the Callington and St Ive Wesley Guild started on Monday, October 7, at 7.30pm.

Held at Callington Methodist Church, in the Guild Room, the first meeting was led by Rev Tim Wilkinson, and was a devotional evening with Holy Communion.

Tea and coffee at the close.

These meetings will continue fortnightly with different speakers.

St Ive

Parish church

On Sunday October 6, at 11.15 am, the morning united service was held at St Ive Parish Church.

A Macmillan coffee afternoon will be held at St Ive Parish Church, on Sunday, October 13, 2pm till 4pm. Jointly run by St Ive Church and Unity Methodist St Ive. Please come along and support this fundraiser.


Old Cornwall Society

Saltash Old Cornwall Society members shared a virtual journey carrying confidential documents to Moscow and Mongolia at the first meeting of their new season. Their speaker was former Queen’s Messenger Peter Hearn who vividly described the life of a ‘silver greyhound’ as the carriers of diplomatic bags to every corner of the world are known.

After a brief resume of his life in the RAF flying in Nimrods and seeing off intruding aircraft, Mr Hearn outlined his recruitment into the elite organisation that has care of the most secret of documents as well as British whiskey and other drinks and foods unavailable to embassy staff in their postings.

From his chauffeured ride to the airport, private check in and loading of luggage, to the meet with his contact in a distant and sometimes hostile land, Mr Hearn detailed the life of those who literally lead the high life. Society members were able to view items brought along including diplomatic bags and diplomatic passports with visas for countries on every continent. In his vote of thanks society secretary Martin Lister thanked Mr Hearn for so vividly sharing his James Bond like world.

By contrast at the next meeting society president Mrs Sue Hooper MBE will be talking on the history of Saltash’s Victoria Gardens and those commemorated there. Visitors are welcome to attend in the St Nicholas church rooms on Monday, October 28, at 7pm.


Riverside United Church

Recent events have raised a fantastic £408.50 for Macmillan Cancer Charity.

“We want to say a massive thank you to the volunteers who baked cakes and provided refreshments, to Jacqueline and Derek as always for their hard work, all the individuals who supported this fund raising event.”

Art exhibition

This week saw Riverside host the local art exhibition. This enabled local artists to display their skills, and provided the opportunity for residents and visitors to purchase that special, and in some cases unique one of a kind masterpiece!.

Riverside United Church would like to thank eveyone who join us in our worship, fellowship and community engagement activities.

Everyone is welcome to come along, you will find us on the Quay, West Looe.



A congregation of some 38 people, including several local farmers, braved the stormy weather and flooded roads to attend the Lansallos Harvest Festival service on Sunday, September 29, and enjoyed a delicious pasty supper and home made cakes afterwards.

The harvest loaf, skilfully crafted and baked by Mrs Marjorie Crew of Tregamellyn Farm
The harvest loaf, skilfully crafted and baked by Mrs Marjorie Crew of Tregamellyn Farm ( )

The centrepiece of the service was a delightful harvest loaf, skilfully crafted and baked by Mrs Marjorie Crew of Tregamellyn Farm - and including the traditional harvest mouse!

The Rector of Trelawny Benefice, the Reverend Richard Allen, gave a thoughtful address based on the reading from verses 6-9 of Chapter 3 of the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth": as true now as then, as farmers will know. The next big event at Lansallos Church will be a "Harvest of the Sea Festival" with the famous Polperro Fishermen's Choir at 6.30pm on Sunday, October 20, followed by refreshments to include pasties and cakes, so do put it in your diaries now.

St Pinnock

Connon Methodist Church

On October 13 the Sunday service with Rev Jonathan Budd will be held at 10am.


Jubilee hall

Saturday, October 26 — Dracula.

Following the success of David’s first show, Great Expectations, Dracula was born. Now, ten years later, it’s time for the Count to rise once more.

Beware. He is unearthed, and he is coming. Keep your windows locked and garlanded with garlic.

Written and performed in our inimitable and irreverent style, this revised adaptation of Stoker’s famous gothic horror brings you a better and battier one-man performance of Dracula: the Vampyr.

There are bats. And more bats. Garlic and gore galore. Vicious vampirellas and a psychiatrist who smokes a pipe.

Be warned: this monstrous, unnatural and utterly batty tale of the undead will thrill and beguile you.

It’s dark! It’s disturbing! It’s daft! Suitable for adults and older children (12+).

Friday, November 29 — David Mynne performs Charles Dickens' ‘A Christmas Carol’.

Joy to all mankind? Bah! Spend an evening in the company of a mean, tight-fisted, squeezing, grasping, clutching old miser. Bah!

Watch horrified as Ebenezer Scrooge is haunted by four creepy ghosts (woo-ooh) each one more terrifying than the last. Bah!

Sob at the bedside of a tiny, malnourished child riven with rickets. Bah!

Stagger through the dark, dirty, dismal streets of Victorian London. Bah!

This is Dickens’ original words with added silliness. Silliness? Bah!

Celebrate the festive season with a mesmerising one-man performance of Charles Dickens’ timeless, transformative story: A Christmas Carol. Bah! Humbug!

Suitable for adults and older children (nine-plus).

Each show £12 pp Box Office 07879 080407. Performances at Jubilee Hall, Mount at 7.30pm.

St Bartholomew's Church

Thursday, November 21 — concert by musicians from the International Music School (Prussia Cove) will be performing at St Bartholomew's Church, Warleggan PL30 4HB. £12 per head. To reserve a seat telephone 01208 821551.


Football club

Lanreath Football Club 150 Draw September results: 1st, Wendy Harris £30; 2nd, Mark Facey £20; 3rd, Steve Gurney £10.


Women’s Institute

FOR their September meeting ladies from Trematon WI were welcomed by Amanda Smee Vice President and enjoyed a very informative talk from Harry Drake of Saltash Chiropractic Clinic. Harry proceeded to explain the workings of the Human Body and how we could be the best of ourselves without drugs, food for thought for us all.

The next meeting will be the Harvest Supper and Beetle Drive on Tuesday, October 15, 7pm at Saltash Baptist Church.

New members always welcome.

St Cleer

Cleerway Community Church

Cleerway Community Church is meeting on Sunday morning at The Memorial Hall, Well Lane, St Cleer PL14 5EA.

Refreshments are available from 9.45am. The morning service starts at 10.30am and is followed by a bring-and-share lunch.

All are welcome, whatever your background or belief.


Minions Heritage Centre

Sadly closed since the beginning of the pandemic, Cornwall Heritage Trust in conjunction with Cornwall Council have announced that they aim to establish solutions to the issues with the building which could potentially result in its reopening.

1st Linkinhorne Scout Group

The group had no meetings in the summer holidays, although the leaders met and planned the next few months. Volunteer helpers are needed, also members to make a committee and a treasurer! If anyone is interested contact one of the leaders, (contacts can also be found in the parish magazine, The Link on page 54 or Sarah Doney PRO on 362602.)