Women’s Institute
Instead of holding our evening meeting in August we held an afternoon tea party in Cove Hall. An outreach worker for the Susie Programme, which works with Safer Futures and Barnardo’s in Cornwall, spoke to us about their work and thanked members for contributing so generously with items to be used in “Wellbeing Boxes”. These are given to people of all ages and genders who are helped by the Programme.

We then presented eight quilts to The Linus Project which members have made for donation to children in care or in hospital. Before serving tea and cakes we drank cider or apple juice brought from our recent visit to Hayward Farm at St Mabyn. As usual the tables were brimming with good food, both sweet and savoury, as we congratulated ourselves on having the meeting indoors for the first time instead of in the garden, because it rained heavily all afternoon.

Members were reminded to sign up for our next Treasure Trail, this time in Mevagissey, on September 24, and also a tour of the Tamar bridge crossings on September 10. The speaker at the next meeting at 7.30pm on September 17 at Cove Hall, Wilcove, is The Suffragette Story in the South West. Guests are welcome to see if they would like to join. Contact Liz Undy on email [email protected]
St Melor’s Church
Morning prayer will be held at 10am on Monday and Wednesday. There will be Evensong at 6.30pm on Sunday, September 1.
St Paul’s Church
There will be an all age service in St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross, from 10am on Sunday, September 1.
Women’s Institute
Linkinhorne member, Maxine Browne reports - Do you know the safest way to pay for items purchased on-line? Could you recognise a scam email if you are sent one? The ladies of this institute are much better informed on these and other cyber security matters, following the July meeting when Mick Harrison explained the pitfalls, both verbally and with the use of some entertaining and thought provoking videos.
If you have the chance yourselves if an opportunity occurs please do attend a meeting where he is the speaker. Maxine says she leaned so much and recommend other groups to invite him to speak to them. He works on behalf of the police and his contact details are: [email protected]
In the business part of the meeting we reviewed a report from the National Federation WI 2024 Annual Meeting held in London, which included summaries of speeches given and the debate on this year’s resolution relating to the need for more NHS dentists.. On a lighter note we then made plans for more meals out. By the time you read this Viv and Marion will have held their annual fund-raising garden party at Viv’s.
The monthly competition was won by Avril Hall and the flower challenge by our president Kim Sudell.
113th Linkinhorne Horticultural Show
This event took place in the Parish Hall at Upton Cross on Saturday, August 3, and the chairman, Michelene Norris introduced the Rev Marilyn Elliott, who was the local Anglican priest here a few years ago and opened the show.

She said how nice it was to be back to meet many familiar faces, and children who weren’t even born when she was here.

Unfortunately the vegetable section entries were down owing to the inclement weather in the important growing season but still beautiful flowers were displayed. The children also produced very interesting entries in the Art and Crafts, also photography, writing and cookery too as well as the adults. The new section for a miniature garden container was interesting too.

This year there was also an opportunity to visit St Paul’s Church nearby to view the decorated floral window displays.
Delta Sobey Cup, Best Exhibit in Flower Arranging — Sally Ellicott
Gordon Rich Perpetual Cup, Most points in Flower section class 62-76 — Helen Gribble
Mary Sargent Perpetual Cup, Best Exhibit in the Flower section — Sally Ellicott
Elsie Davy Perpetual Cup, A Planted Garden Container — Helen Gribble
L. Morcom Perpetual Cup, Best Adult Photograph — Isabelle Gribble
T Gimblett Perpetual Trophy, Best Children’s Photograph — Harry Davy
Trophy, Most points in the Photography Section — Helen Gribble
Jennifer Bastard Perpetual Cup, Most points in the Handicraft Section — Barnaby Lea
Tucker Trophy, Best Exhibit in the Handicraft Section — Trish Stilts
Sheila Kittow Trophy, Most points in the Cookery Section — Jan Rothwell
W Doney Cookery Cup, Most points in Children’s Cookery aged 11 years and under — Ava Hick
R Doney Cup, Most points in Children’s Cookery 12-16 years — Isabelle Doney
Saunders Family Cup, Most points in the Show 12 years and over — Little Diggers
Children’s Perpetual Cup given by Mr and Mrs G Hoare, Best item of Art & Craft — Little Diggers
Head Teacher’s Award, Most points in the Show 11 years and under — Little Diggers
Eric Doney Memorial Shield for Young Gardeners (judges decision) — Ellia King
Playgroup Perpetual Cup, Most Points in Show four years and under — Sophie Delbridge
Craig Fisher Shield, Any Child’s Entry selected by Sandra Fisher, plus Most Loved — Little Diggers
Best Overall, Garden Tokens, Best Allotment, first prize and Parish Council Trophy — Joy Dent
Best Newcomer’s Allotment — Kevin and Kim Gilbert
Most Productive of Allotments - Steve Whitely and Alison
Tallest Sunflower — Iain Bassett
United Church
Holy communion will be held in Dobwalls United Church at 9.30am on Sunday, September 1.
The coffee morning for the third of September is cancelled.
Looe & District Flower Club
Looe & District Flower Club meet on the first Tuesday of each month at Pelynt Village Hall at 2pm.
The first meeting is on the 3rd September. Pat Penno is demonstrating "Season of Delights" and the competition is "Forage".
Our second meeting is on October 1 and Fiona Hammond is leading a Workshop entitled "Autumn Leaves".
Riverside United Church
Our evening choir service was very well received and we were definitely spoilt with great singing from Keltique, watch out for the next one in September.
Sadly our Café @ Riverside summer programme comes to an end, but some good news; dates for your diary Wednesday, September 25, October 30 and a festive special on November 27.
We would like to say thank you to everyone who attended and a special thank you to D&J and the volunteers who gave up their time to support this fantastic venture, towards church funds.
On Sunday, September 1, at 11am worship led by Patrick Clarke – everyone welcome to come along.
St Cleer
Cleerway Community Church
Cleerway Community Church is meeting on Sunday morning at The Memorial Hall, Well Lane, St Cleer, PL14 5EA at 9.45am for breakfast. The morning service starts at 10.30am. All are welcome, whatever your background or belief.