
WI Horticultural Show

IT was a beautiful sunny day for the 2024 Pensilva WI Horticultural Show when members and locals had the opportunity of showing off their skills in a variety of classes, including flowers, vegetables, baking, crafts, preserves and fruit. The children especially showed their prowess by sweeping the board with their entries.

The show was opened by Parish Councillor Alan Moss, ably assisted by his wife Julie who presented the prizes to the worthy winners.

The winners of the cups are as follows: Pensilva WI Committee Cup for most points in vegetables, including vegetable collection – Mary Yates; The Downing Cup for vegetable collection – Rebecca Raine; The Tessa Cup for pot plants – Jill Pascoe; The F French-Blake Cup for flowers – joint winners, Cherry Woodhouse, Philip Grimes and Frances Tucker; The Albert Moore Cup for Domestic – Cherry Woodhouse; The Nicholls Cup for Handicraft – Sue Anderson; The Les Morcom Cup for best photo – Will Hicks; The Barnard Cup for most points in photography – Tina Tubby; The Photography shield for under 15’s – Will Hicks; The Miss Lennon Cup, children seven and under – Sophie Delbridge; The Pensilva WI Cup for most outstanding exhibit, children seven and under – Sophie Delbridge; The Parfitt Cup for children 8 & over – Henry Delbridge; The Harry Cup for most outstanding exhibit, children eight and over – Will Hicks; The Pensilva WI Committee Cup for overall winner for most points, omitting vegetables – Cherry Woodhouse; The Dr. Tregarthen Cup for most points gained in vegetable section – Mary Yates; The Smerdon Trowel for most outstanding exhibit in pot plants – Trish Thomas; The Bennett Cup, Opener’s choice – Verna Dawe; The Coombes Cup, Judges choice – Sue Anderson; Member’s Photography Shield – Tina Tubby; The Gordon Bennett Trophy, most points in preserves – Alison Grimes; The Mary Gilbert Cup for flower arrangement – Cherry Woodhouse; The Hogan Ede Cup, most outstanding cookery exhibit – Cherry Woodhouse; Pensilva WI Plaque, most outstanding handicraft item – Sue Anderson; The Collins Cup for most entries overall – Cherry Woodhouse.

(Not as previously supplied).


Callington and St Ive Wesley Guild

THE next Callington and St Ive Wesley Guild will be held on Monday, October 21, starting at 7.30pm.

Held at Callington Methodist Church. A local singing group, Atonement, will be leading an evening of music. Come along and join us.

St Cleer

Cleerway Community Church

CLEERWAY Community Church is meeting on Sunday morning at The Memorial Hall, Well Lane, St Cleer PL14 5EA at 9.45am for breakfast.

The morning service starts at 10.30am. All are welcome, whatever your background or belief."



THE two services for harvest festival and supper were well attended the Sunday service was taken by Mr Mark Thomas and the Tuesday evening was taken by the Reverend Stuart Reed.

The beautifully presented Bealbury chapel harvest decorations
The beautifully presented Bealbury chapel harvest decorations ( )

Supper was served after this service and distribution of produce. Many thanks to all who helped in any way.

We will be holding a Sankey service on Sunday, October 20, at 6pm when the preacher will be Mr Peter Coombe. All are welcome.


Methodist Church

ON October 18 there will be ‘Food for Thought’ at 9.30am.

Connon Fest Supper and Austrian musical evening with Martin Smith at 6pm. All Wellcome.

On October 20 the Sunday cluster service with Rev Janet Park will start at 10am and on October 21 Knit and Natter will be held from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.


Producers Market

ON Sunday, October 20, from 10am to 1pm in the Downderry and Seaton Village Hall (Registered Charity Number 1210090) shop local, support local producers and buy some lovely fresh produce and enjoy some hot or cold refreshments at the Downderry Producers Market.

Produce on sale includes, cheese, meat, eggs, plants, gin, beer, bread, buns, cookies, cupcakes, cakes, vegetables, jams, chutney and pickles, preserved lemons and limes, spice and smoked garlic, wine, honey, speciality coffee roasted in Cornwall, 100 per cent natural dog treats.

All are welcome, including dogs on leads. A perfect stopping point for your walk on the beach.


St Melor’s Church

MORNING prayer will be held at 10am on Monday and Wednesday in St Melor’s Church.

On Sunday, October 20, evensong will start at 6.30pm.

St Paul’s Church

HOLY communion will be held in St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross, on Sunday, October 20, at 9.15am.

Messy Church will be held at Rilla Mill Retreat Centre at 3pm.

Recycling for Charity

WITH the start of the new school year there were several families with enthusiastic children at the Thursday drop-in on September 12 at the Parish Hall in Upton Cross.

Used stamps please and to leave a good border around them. Items in bags - tie loosely so they are quick to undo.

Pringles - plastic top can go in the red kerbside recycling then flatten the tube.

Please continue to place items in the bins in the parish hall car park at Upton Cross as the money made comes from the manufacturers that sponsor the programmes. The most popular programme is crisps and snacks packets sponsored by KP. All items needed are listed on the bins for guidance.

The pens programme is now closed but please check updates on the website

Full list or any other info can be found here. Ali Humphreys Cornwall [email protected] 07305 044049 or Ursula Crouch 01579 262896. Thanks to all for great support.

Rilla Mill Village Hall

Bonfire night

At a recent committee meeting the final arrangements were made for the Annual Bonfire and Grand Firework display in Parson’s Meadow on Saturday, October 26, in Parsons Meadow, Rilla Mill. Gates open at 6pm, bonfire at 6.30pm and display at 7.45pm.


Parish council

Altarnun Parish Council maintained its focus on National Highways proposals to cause chaos amongst our villages and communities.

The public engagement which took place at Lewannick Village Hall on September 26 did very little to allay our worst fears that in the attempt to improve safety and reduce accidents, the A30 between Kennards House and Five Lanes will have six crossings closed and the investment in a graded junction at Plusha, which has been called for since the turn of the century, will be out of scope due to financial constraints. The scheme presented at Lewannick by the National Highways team and so widely condemned, as cut price, by Cornwall councillor Adrian Parsons seems to be coming our way. National Highways seemed intransigent to local representation which gave the impression they hold in disregard the consequences of implementing their plans.

However, a very well informed and well organised action group apprised our meeting they have recently identified quangos and routes to officials who could be empathetic with our current plight and authoritatively interact with National Highways. Meanwhile the council resolved to try and achieve a face to face meeting with our MP to endorse all the work the action group has produced and provide sufficient information that will demonstrate the impact and devastation the National Highways plans will have on our community. Clearly there is a willingness born out of frustration to do what it takes to influence the outcome that is desperately wanted.

One panning application was tabled, relating to obtaining a certificate of lawful use for a barn erected in 2014 at New Hay Farm. The original permission was for a building half the size, but the larger unit was purchased and placed on site. Councillors were pleased that the applicant was now seeking to regularise the position and supported the application.

The clerk reported correspondence received from Devonshire Homes, keen to reengage with the Parish Council prior to submitting plans for the development of a further phase at Gratton Fields, Five Lanes. It is expected they will attend a future monthly meeting.

The November parish council meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 6, at 7.30pm, in Altarnun Village Hall. All are welcome.