A CROWDFUNDING appeal to create a community garden for all is nearing its target.

Tregovenek (A Place of Hope) is a new community farm on the edge of Pensilva, north of Liskeard.

The project is led by volunteers who have a desire to build something special for everyone in the wider community, as well as for future generations.

Tregovenek isn’t funded by a large organisation or network: it’s a Community Benefit Society, and founders have started from scratch, doing the work with a team of likeminded people who share the vision.

Currently, the focus is on growing a community garden, and the team have launched a crowdfunder to raise £15,000. This will fund the vital infrastructure to build a thriving space for people and nature.

“This is such an important part of the wider project,” said Hayley Rogers, a member of Tregovenek’s Garden Circle. “The garden will be the first place people see when they visit, a place where people can improve their health and well-being, get their hands in the soil, make new friends, learn how to grow food and other land-based skills.

“Already local school children and university students have been part of it, and more groups will be able to experience it. We want it to be a beautiful, welcoming space that encourages everyone to feel at home and return again and again.”

Plan for the garden include a tree nursery, fire pit, pathways, growing beds, seating areas, compost toilet facilities, and a gathering space for courses, workshops, celebrations, funerals, meetings or social events.

A community garden is being created at Tregovenek near Pensilva
Work to grow produce at Tregovenek near Pensilva (Tregovenek)

At the time of writing, Tregovenek has just a couple of days left to raise the remaining £3,000 needed to reach its target and receive booster funding from Cornwall Council’s Climate and Nature Fund.

“There’s a wide variety of rewards for donating, such as photography, weaving or floristry classes, learning the art of scything or chair making, reiki healing and massage, and a whole load more - you can even be the first to use the new loo!” says Hayley.

Tregovenek means 'A Place of Hope' in Cornish
Tregovenek means 'A Place of Hope' in Cornish (Tregovenek)

To donate visit www.crowdfunder.org.uk and search for Tregovenek, or visit www.tregovenek.org.uk for more information.