AN up date on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) for Callington was given at this week's town council meeting. Cllr Chris Thomas said he had been at a meeting in Saltash where new cameras were talked about. Cllr Thomas said the cameras weren't too expensive and the town may be best served by two 'dome' and one pan camera. He added that if the cameras were put in, roads may have to be dug up.
Date set for Lions Daffodil Walk
THE annual Lions Club of Callington Tamar Valley Daffodil Walk will this year be held on Saturday March 19. Starting from the scout hut, Stoke Climsland at 10.30am the walk will have three routes of differing lengths - approximately one, five or ten miles. Organised and marshalled by the Lions, the walk allows you to raise money for your own group or club, providing it is genuine and a non-profit making organisation. Alternatively, participants can walk for Callington Lions and the money donated will go to the tsunami appeal. The routes will consist of public footpaths, some of it muddy, so suitable footwear should be worn. A responsible adult should accompany children. Entry and sponsor forms are available at the Town Hall, Callington.