A children’s author from Looe donated life-saving books to schools and nurseries across the UK ahead of Drowning Prevention Week (June 19 to 24). 

Children’s author Ellie Jackson, donated her book ‘Sami’s Beach Rescue’, which tells the story of how the ‘float to live’ advice can save your life in the sea. 

Sami's Beach Rescue ( )

Tragically, Ellie’s brother, Dom, drowned whilst kayaking off the Moray Coast in 2017. She has since been campaigning to raise awareness of the dangers of going out without a personal locater beacon (PLB) and now wants to help teach children about the importance of water safety. 

Her latest book aims to enforce the RNLI lesson of Float to Live – which teaches children to float on their back like a starfish if they ever get into trouble whilst swimming or playing on the water. 

The book has been launched ahead of the RLSS’ Drowning Prevention Week and is aimed at primary school age children. 

Inspired by a news story of a boy swept out to sea – Ellie said the book almost “wrote itself”. 

She continued: “The boy had remembered the simple message of Float to Live after he was washed out to sea. He didn’t panic, and thankfully he was recovered by the RNLI lifeboat and he was fine. 

“I’m donating this new eBook and teaching resources to all schools in the UK in the hope that it will help teach this important lesson and prevent any more drownings.” 

Beckie Ramsay’s son Dylan tragically drowned in 2011 after entering an open water quarry near their home in Chorley. 

She has since campaigned tirelessly, starting her own charity Doing It For Dylan – her main aim being that no one else should experience the heartache he own family has endured. 

“I want to make sure other mums don’t have to go through this” said Beckie. “It’s so important for everyone to learn water safety – and hopefully reduce the water fatalities going forward – that’s why this book is needed. 

“When I walked into that mortuary and saw my beautiful first-born son lifeless, not breathing, not moving just looking perfect, I could not hold myself together. 

“I hugged his chest and held him so tight. I sobbed and begged him to come back to us. I told him right there and then that I would not let his death be in vain.” 

Brendon Prince founded Above Water, a charity which aims to stop accidental drowning in the UK through education. 

Endorsing Ellie’s book, Brendon says it is helping spread an important message, he said: “This is a subject which is invisible to most on our island nation; it is so important to reach out with as many mediums as possible – especially to children. 

“This book is yet another way to reinforce those key issues and basics of water safety.” 

Following her brother’s death, Ellie feels a bond to the North East of Scotland and has been aided by Aberdeenshire Council which is helping launch the book next week across the region. 

Ellie realised her dream of becoming a children’s author using money her brother left in his will. 

Under the banner Wild Tribe Heroes, she has published seven children’s books which focus on true stories about climate change, plastic pollution and habitat loss. The books have received letters of congratulations from Sir David Attenborough and King Charles III, reaching almost 2 million children in schools around the world and helping young children understand the importance of looking after our environment and how they can get involved. 

Ellie commented: “I have seen first-hand the power of a children’s book and how a simple story can bring the issue home to children. By telling a story using gentle words, happy endings and engaging illustrations, children identify with the character and the message in a way that is familiar and comforting. Story telling has been used for thousands of years to share important messages and I hope that my new book will help children to remember how to stay safe on the water and hopefully save lives.” 

Download a free copy of the book and teaching resources at wildtribeheroes.com/sami