The leader of Cornwall Council, Cllr Linda Taylor, has announced a change to her Cabinet effective from today.

Cllr Richard Williams-Pears is stepping down as the portfolio holder for transport, and will be replaced in the role by Cllr Connor Donnithorne.

Cllr Taylor said: “I am sorry to see Richard step down, he has been a member of the Cabinet since we were elected in 2021, and we will miss his drive and enthusiasm.

“However, I am delighted to be welcoming Connor back into the Cabinet following his decision to stand down in May to focus on the recent General Election.

“He has a wealth of experience in the transport role, and will be able to hit the ground running.”

Cllr Donnithorne said: “I’m pleased to join the Cabinet and continue working with colleagues to make Cornwall an even better place to live, work and raise a family.

“I’ll be getting to work immediately, delivering on this administration’s transport priorities - improving our roads, maintaining our roadsides and verges, and ensuring our public transport system is the best it can be, and better connected than ever before.”

Cllr Williams-Pears said: “It has been an honour to serve on the Cabinet for more than three years, but now feels the right time to step down, and I do so knowing that Connor will continue to provide the focus on the role our residents deserve.”