POLICE in a North Cornwall town have revealed the details of an incident which led to a woman being arrested for Class A drug offences.

The incident comes days after a different woman was arrested on similar offences, after a drugs package sent by mail was intercepted at the post office.

Officers in Devon and Cornwall Police’s Bodmin neighbourhood team located a female on a bike in the town centre during the day of August 8.

After she was detained and searched, a quantity of Class A substances were located with the woman later arrested and bailed on charges of possession with intent to supply, with the bike seized.

A spokesperson for Devon and Cornwall Police said: “Riding around town dealing Class A on your bike does make it easy for officers to find you!

“On August 8, Bodmin Police utilised our Neighbourhood Support Team. Specially trained officers in plain clothes located a female on her bike yesterday in Bodmin.

“She was detained and searched. A quantity of Class A was located, and she was arrested for ‘possession with intent to supply’.

“She has since been bailed. We also seized her bike for good measure.”