Bodmin College was an array of happy faces as Year 11 students received their GCSE results.

Once again, staff, students and their proud families celebrated an outstanding year of achievement.

Headteacher, Mrs Joanne Guest, expressed her pride in the students and their achievements, commenting: “I could not be prouder of our hardworking students this year. What they have achieved for their all-important GCSEs is a true testament to their conscientious attitude, dedication and diligence. Well done everyone!

“Today is definitely a day for celebration and as part of that, celebrating staff for their hard work.

“Staff here at Bodmin College always go that extra mile and I feel very privileged to lead such a great team.”

One of Bodmin College’s highest-achieving students was Emily Dodge, achieving an impressive nine grade 9s and one grade 7.

She said: “I’m feeling overwhelmed with relief, I am very proud of myself for achieving these grades and I am very grateful to my teachers as without them I wouldn’t have achieved.”

Another student celebrating brilliant results was Jonah Woods, head student, who achieved six grade 9s and five grade 8s and now plans to return to Bodmin College Sixth Form to study A Levels in English literature, history, drama and maths.

He said: “I’m so happy with my results, I couldn’t have asked for better. Really looking forward to staying here at Bodmin to do my A Levels.”

Isobel Brown was also over the moon, having achieved a grade 9 in English language and grade 7s and 8s in all her other subjects.

She said: “I worked hard and am so relieved that it paid off; I am delighted that I can now go on to study the courses that I have chosen”

Headteacher at the school, Mrs Joanne Guest added: “Every single student matters greatly to us and we believe our college plays a key part in helping them on their way to future happiness and success.

“There’s no better feeling than seeing the ecstatic faces of our students and their proud families on results day and it’s the perfect attestation to everyone that “hard work does pay off”. I would like to wish all our wonderful students the very best as they embark on their next stage of education and towards what we believe will be a very bright future for all of them.”