SIX new bell ropes were dedicated at the sung eucharist service at St Nicholas and St Faith Church, Saltash, on Sunday morning, October 20.

The service was officiated and led by the priest in charge, Reverend Laura Bushell Hawke.

Dave Pitcher, present bell ringer at St Nicholas, said the old ropes had become dangerously frayed and had to be replaced.

The new ropes were made by specialist rope makers Avon Ropes in Bristol and the rope sallies are in the Cornish colours of black and gold to reflect that St Nicholas and St Faith is the first church in Cornwall as people come across the Royal Albert Railway Bridge and Tamar Road Bridge.

Each rope was sponsored by family members in memory of a church member, past or present. Not all were bell ringers. Each sponsor donated £400.

Those remembered were tower captain John White, Joe Clatworthy, Des and Ruth Frantom, Phil and Joyce Rundle, Michael Beer, and former vicar in the church, Reverend Prebendary Brian Anderson.

Next to each rope will be erected a plaque with an inscription written by the family.

In addition, a new carpet for the bell tower was given by Peter and Brenda Samuels, former mayor and mayoress of Saltash.

The ropes will now be installed and the bells will ring for the “Darkness to Light” service to mark Advent Sunday on December 1.

It is hoped that the bells will also be rung during the Saltash Christmas Festival on Saturday, December 7.

Mr Pitcher said that any former bell ringers who have moved into the area are welcome to join St Nicholas ringers by contacting him on email: [email protected]