ONE of Cornwall’s best-loved artists will be unveiling her new collection of more than 50 oil paintings later this month, at a nine-day exhibition in the heart of the Tamar Valley.

Mary Martin’s inspirational new work reflects continued involvement with, and appreciation of, her beloved home area - the Tamar Valley. Since completing her studies at the Royal Academy Schools and after decades of painting out-of-doors, Mary works quickly to capture those rare and fleeting effects of light that excite and inspire her to paint familiar landscapes transformed into richly coloured, special places with universal appeal. 

Bluebells and the river at Cotehele. (Picture: Mary Martin)
Bluebells and the river at Cotehele. (Picture: Mary Martin) (Mary Martin)

Different tides, times of day and seasons are closely observed and portrayed, revealing the fragile beauty of this land that deserves our attention and careful protection.

An additional five older paintings link to earlier days when market gardens, salmon fishing and historic cherry orchards were still valued and widespread features of the Tamar Valley.

Tamar Valley National Landscape is delighted to be hosting Mary’s first exhibition for five years. 

The Tamar Valley Centre, Drakewalls will be open from Saturday, May 25 until Sunday, June 2 (opens 2pm on May 25, then 11am to 6pm daily). Free admission and free parking.

For further details call Virginia Spiers on 01579 350696 or email [email protected]