THE Cancer Research UK Liskeard local committee are proud to announce the return of their annual exhibition and sale of art and craft which is due to take place in March.

This event will be the committee’s 55th exhibition having missed just one year due to the lockdown in 2021.

Frances Foulkes, Hon Secretary, Liskeard Local Committee, Cancer Research UK, explained: “The annual exhibition and sale of art and craft is our major fundraiser...we hope to raise between £10,000 to £11,000.”

Last years exhibition raised £11,300 which went towards the charity. Exhibitors who take part in the event come from all over Cornwall and Devon and some from further afield.

There is always plenty too see from elaborate oil paintings, soft and delicate watercolours, sparkling jewellery, intricate sculptures and lots more!

“We hope to welcome a number of new exhibitors this year as well as welcoming back our regulars.” Frances continued.

One artist that will be exhibiting at this years event is landscape artist, Gerry Hillman from Looe, who is one of the regular contributing artists.

Gerry has travelled widely and has visited countries including southern Africa, Peru, Cuba, Australia, France, Greece, and Arabia, and all over the UK and Ireland where he has taken his painting with him.

Looking back to the beginning of his artistic career, Gerry has said he has found rich inspiration in the beauty of his native Cornwall – from the moors to the coast, through the wooded valleys and along the rivers.

Gerry said: “There is nowhere in the world which has such changes of landscape, such shifts in the mood of the weather, of seasonal changes and the associated huge variations in the light. It’s a gift to any landscape painter who, like me, seeks to capture the changing moods of time and place.”

Gerry’s work delves into the art of landscapes – his work is known for the ‘richly atmospheric quality of the light.’

The paintings Gerry will be exhibiting are inspired by both Cornwall and by his travels.

Another artist who is excited to bring his work to the town of Liskeard is Roger Jardine from Nanstallon.

Roger has been living in Cornwall for nearly 40 years and takes an interest in sketching and watercolours.

Roger explained: “I have been painting as a hobby for about 20 to 25 years but began to take it more seriously when I retired and moved to Nanstallon some 14 years ago. Since then I have exhibited every year at the Liskeard Cancer Research exhibition which is a charity close to my heart.”

Roger who paints marine themed images has said that he has been successful with his Cornish related works including a number of Cornwall themed commissions.

“I have sold to clients as far afield as Australia, USA, Canada and Europe.” Roger added.

Roger will be bringing an eclectic mix of works to the exhibition to appeal to a wider audience.

Penny Porter from Downderry will also be bringing her creations to the exhibition in March.

After retiring from a life time in science and science education, Penny took up an art course.

“Hence it was just over a decade ago that I picked up a paint brush for the first time,” Penny explained,

“So I was very fortunate to have Fiona Guy M.A, BA(Hons) an established painter, as my teacher.

“She encouraged me try different painting styles and different media.”

Penny likes to paint in watercolour and pastels.

Penny added: “I discovered that my science observation and experimental skills are vital in art.”

Penny has lived in Downderry for nearly 40 years and takes her inspiration from the sea – painting marine based views.

“However, the odd paintings of other topics do creep in,” Penny added.

“I print some of my paintings as cards and recently, I have branched out into designing tea towels and mugs. These have all been received well. All funding my hobby.

“Having lost a dear brother to cancer, I feel it is vital to support Cancer Research and this exhibition also gives local artists a chance to display their work.”

Everything on show at the exhibition will be for sale with 30 per cent of the price going to the charity.

There will be an opening evening on March 5 from 7pm with the official opening at 7.30pm.

£6 entry includes a glass of wine and cheese.

The exhibition is then open from Wednesday, March 6 to Sunday, March 10 from 10am to 7.30pm (3.30pm on Sunday).

On Saturday, March 9 there will be a big breakfast served between 11am - 2pm. Daily refreshments will be available. There will also be a grand raffle with lots of prizes to win.

Exhibitors who wish to take part do not book in advance - just turn up on handing in day at the Public Hall on Sunday, March 3 between 9.30am - 3pm.

Liskeard Town Council have awarded the committee a grant towards the cost of the hall.

Frances said: “The committee wishes to express grateful thanks to Liskeard Town Council for once again awarding a grant towards the cost of hiring the Public Hall. This generous award enables even more money to be raised for research.”

For more information or to ask for an exhibitor’s pack please visit @crukliskeard on Facebook, email [email protected] or phone 01579 342821.